“One child, One teacher, One book, and One pen can change the world.” These are the words of the young Pakistani girl Malala who fought for education and women’s rights.American children have the privilege of going to school so we sometimes take school for granted. While we take our blessings for granted children in Pakistan are having to fight just to go to school to become.A Physician, Medical Director, or even an Anesthesiologist. Even though they might be at risk of being beaten they still stand up for their rights. American children have always had the privilege of school so we don’t appreciate it as much since we’ve never had to fight for it so we got lazy, for example: because we are enforced by the law we don’t want to go or more commonly we just don’t want to get up early.On the contrary, Pakistani children see it as a blessing a chance for a brighter future, for example, this quote for instance “One child, one teacher one book & one pen can change the world, Thank you-Andrea Yohn